The Rutgers Camden Program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), effective between Fall 2023 and Fall 2030.  

Access the official accreditation information.

The following programs are included in the current accreditation cycle.  All are at the initial license at the Master’s level, with the exception of Teacher of Students with Disabilities, as noted:Teacher of Art P-12, Teacher of Biological Science P-12, Teacher of Chemistry P-12, Teacher of Elementary Education K-6, Teacher of English P-12, Teacher of French P-12, Teacher of Mathematics P-12, Teacher of Music P-12, Teacher of Physics P-12, Teacher of Preschool through third grade, Teacher of Social Studies P-12, Teacher of Spanish P-12, Teacher of Students with Disabilities P-12 (Endorsement only), Teacher of Theater P-12

CAEP requires all programs to provide performance measures to the public:

CAEP Accountability Measures

CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 1 – Completer effectiveness and impact on P-12 student learning

The New Jersey Department of Education provides programs with employment and evaluation data for licensed program completers.  *The most recent data given by the DOE details the employment from the completers in the 2020-2021 school year. One of the measures the data details is the Student Growth Objective (SGO) score for the new teachers.  This score is part of the New Jersey teacher evaluation framework and reflects the outcome of a measurable goal that is aligned to the appropriate New Jersey standard.  Of our employed students, our graduates earned scores of “highly effective” (73.1%) or “effective” (23.1%), which indicates a high impact on learning and development.

Per the NJDOE, these values are not disaggregated by licensure area because the total number of completers in each area is too small. 

CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 2 – Satisfaction of employers and stakeholders involvement

A survey was sent to all schools/stakeholders that have worked with Program students (2024 data).

How well prepared do you feel the RUTGERS CAMDEN graduate is with regard to the following items:

A 1-4 scale was used (1 is the lowest, 4 is the highest):

Making and implementing lesson plans


Making and implementing unit plans


Developing authentic assessments to measure learning


Creating instruction that accommodated different learning styles, needs, and abilities


Using the appropriate teaching standards


Implementing effective classroom management strategies


Creating meaningful learning experiences based upon the area(s) of certification


Using a variety of materials, media resources, and teaching strategies


Recognizing and assisting students in need of remediation/help


Helping students work cooperatively with one another


Promoting a positive classroom environment


Utilizing self-assessment and problem-solving strategies to improve teaching


Allowing for different learning styles, cultures, genders, abilities, and experiences


Using available technology effectively in the classroom


Developing effective sequencing and pacing skills


Collaborating and involving parents


How likely are you to hire a RUTGERS CAMDEN TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM completer?

7/10 said “Very Likely” or “Likely”

CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 3 – Candidate competency at completion

All candidates are evaluated by their cooperating teachers, field supervisors, and complete self-evaluations for a total of 13 incidents in the spring semester of clinical practice.  2024 completers show the following averages on a 1-4 scale, with 4 being the highest, in the four main areas:

              Instructional Practice – 3.58                             Content Knowledge – 3.67  

             The Learner and Learning – 3.63                       Professional Responsibility – 3.74

93% of the candidates passed the basic skills assessment (25/27) and 100% passed the appropriate Praxis II in their subject area (27/27).  

CAEP Annual Reporting Measure 4 – Ability of completers to be hired in the area of licensure

93% of the 2024 Program completers passed the New Jersey required basic skills assessment and 100% passed the Praxis II in their content area.  Ninety-three percent of the 2024 completers were therefore eligible for NJ licensure in their desired area.  Upon application and issuance of a NJ license, all candidates are able to be hired in their area of licensure. 



The Rutgers Camden Teacher Education MAT program prepares students to earn a New Jersey Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS), the state’s initial teaching license. Certification can be transferred to other states through reciprocity agreements between those states and the State of New Jersey. The transfer of the New Jersey CEAS may require a state-specific test, professional development, or specific course requirements stipulated by a particular state. Students interested in being certified to teach in other states are urged to consult the department of education websites for the states in which they are seeking certification to learn about the specific requirements of those states. Students may also consult with the Rutger Camden Teacher Ed staff for information or guidance.

  • The following states have statutes that require them to accept comparable licenses from any other state: Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma
  • In addition to the above states, the following states have signed the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement which facilitates license reciprocity for member states.   NASDTEC does not guarantee full teacher license reciprocity, and some states may impose additional requirements: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
  • The following states and territories have not signed the NASDTEC agreement, which does not necessarily preclude them from accepting licenses from other states: American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, New Mexico, New York, Puerto Rico, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, South Dakota, and the U.S. Virgin Islands

While some states may have additional requirements, such as taking a specific course or test, we know of no state that has completely rejected the transfer of a license from New Jersey.  This Disclosure does not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny your application. Furthermore, this disclosure does not account for changes in state law or regulation that may affect your application for licensure and occur after this disclosure has been made.